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Request free quotes from local funeral directors and get an estimate of funeral costs. It’s easy. Give it a try!

Planning a funeral after the death of a loved one is a difficult time for everyone. For most of us, coping with death and planning a funeral is one of the most difficult things we will ever be asked to do. It can be a very emotional and difficult time.

What makes it even harder is that we are generally unaware of our funeral rights; that is, we don’t know how we can have genuine and meaningful involvement; we are often unprepared and don’t know what to do when someone close to us dies.


  1. Go to www.ezifunerals.com.au
  2. Register as a new Funeral Consumer, or simply login to your account.
  3. Select the Plan A Funeral menu option and follow the steps provided in each section.

What information is recorded in your plan:

  • “Details of Person Making Arrangements” allows you to record details you or your family will need for official records.
  • “Details of Deceased” allows you to record details of the person who has passed away or a death is impending.
  • “Details of Committal” allows you to record how you would like you or your loved one to be put to rest.
  • “Details of the Funeral” allows you to record your wishes regarding your or your loved one’s funeral.

Each section has help text to guide you through the funeral planning process. To show the hidden help text, click the (?) buttons at each question. We’ll generate an online preview of your funeral plan for you to check. The convenience of online technology means you can prepare your funeral plan anywhere any time you want. You’re able to stop and resume the funeral planning form at your leisure.


What happens after you create your funeral plan:

Once your funeral plan is created, you can store it online, share it with your family, download it, and use it to compare funeral prices from multiple funeral homes in your area before selecting a funeral director that’s right for you and your family.

Need a Quick Funeral Quote

Alternatively, if you need a QUICK FUNERAL QUOTE, you can connect with Independent Funeral Directors by filling in a simple and easy quote request form. For more information on independent funeral directors in your area, visit our State pages:

  • Funeral Planning, NSW
  • Funeral Planning, VIC
  • Funeral Planning,QLD
  • Funeral Planning, SA
  • Funeral Planning,WA
  • Funeral Planning, TAS


About eziFunerals

eziFunerals supports individuals and families coping with end-of-life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We are not part of any other funeral company.