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Our fair funeral promise supports fair, open and transparent funeral pricing

The Fair Funeral Promise is an initiative run by eziFunerals to support Independent Funeral Directors, to increase transparency and tackle the rising costs of funerals.

The Fair Funeral Promise is a free and voluntary commitment

1. To recognise that funerals can be expensive and many people need fair and affordable options.

2. To help people find funerals that are within their means and budget.

3. To be open and transparent about funeral prices, including third party costs:

  • in initial conversations
  • within price lists
  • on funeral websites.

What Does The Fair Funeral Promise Do

This initiative helps tackle the underlying causes of rising funeral prices in Australia.

We do this in three ways

  1. Educating people about their choices so they can get a fair funeral.
  2. Supporting fair, open and transparent funeral pricing for Australian consumers.
  3. Working with the Independent Funeral Directors to make funerals more personal, affordable and community driven.

Why We’re Calling For Fair, Open and Transparent Funeral Pricing

It’s very important that bereaved people are not exploited at their time of grief. But having to navigate the industry and speak to different funeral companies can be very daunting at a time when we are emotionally and financially vulnerable.

Being able to get fair, open and transparent prices before speaking with a funeral director allows customers to consider all their options without the pressure of a sales focussed environment.

That’s why eziFunerals only supports Independent Funeral Directors and not funeral brands owned by public listed companies.

Why Independent Funeral Directors Should Sign Up

As well as helping people at their time of need, the Fair Funeral Promise gives your reputation and public profile a boost. Existing and potential customers will be reassured that you take fairness, openness and transparency seriously.

Once you sign the promise, the Fair Funeral Provider logo will appear on your profile and we’ll promote you on our website and social media channels. We’ll also encourage the community in your area to do the same.

The Fair Funeral Provider logo is also available to be shared on your business website. Contact eziFunerals for more information.

Create your business listing with us for funeral directors in Australia

Principles Of Fair, Open and Transparent Pricing

People will often be coming to your website feeling confused and disoriented, so it’s very important your information is clear and accessible. Here are some principles to bear in mind when putting prices online:

Include third party costs/ disbursements

These can represent around half of the overall bill and most people don’t know that a figure quoted without third party costs isn’t the overall figure.

Use Plain English

Some of the language surrounding funerals is confusing to the public. Try to use language people understand, for instance ‘third party costs’ is more straightforward than ‘disbursements’.


Some funeral directors display price lists but they’re very difficult to find on their websites. Make prices prominent and accessible.

No information overload 

Whilst services and prices can get quite complicated, websites should have a clear, uncluttered design and format.

Make the most affordable options visible 

Affordable options should be made prominent.

Break down costs

Costs should be itemised, or if packages are offered, it should be clear what this includes/ doesn’t include.