Arranging an eco funeral, also known as a green funeral, is a fitting tribute to someone who felt most at home outdoors, in wide open natural spaces. It is also ideal for those who cared about the environment and wanted to protect the planet. There are some general principles to follow when organising the perfect […]
What is an Eco-funeral?
How To Plan a Meaningful Funeral?
Planning a funeral after the death of a loved one is a difficult time for everyone. A death can bring with it a broad range of emotions. Our feelings toward the person who has died can become stronger and our need to provide them with a meaningful tribute can lead to emotional and financial stress about […]
Be Wary! – Who Has Access To Your Funeral Bond?
Tens of thousands of people are at risk of losing thousands of dollars because of a growing conflict of interest amongst those selling funeral bonds, says Australia’s first website to empower consumers around the funeral industry. Peter Erceg, Founder of eziFunerals, says although funeral insurance products gained unfavourable attention at the recent Royal Commission into […]
Who Owns Purslowe & Chipper Funerals: Western Australia
Australia’s funeral industry is estimated to be $1.5 billion and provides essential services to individuals and families dealing with, or preparing for, death and bereavement. However, navigating the funeral industry in Perth when dealing with a loved one’s death can leave many of us vulnerable to upselling and confused with no understanding of the industry […]