Australia’s trusted funeral brand. A new digital funeral platform is disrupting an industry that has seen little change in the last 100 years.
The funeral industry in Australia is currently estimated to be more than $2 billion and provides essential services to individuals and families dealing with, or preparing for, death and bereavement.
Yet despite this important community service, the funeral industry is dominated by two large publicly listed companies, being InvoCare Limited (ASX: IVC) and Propel Funeral Partners (ASX:PFP). Between them they currently control over 40% market share nationally (…and growing). This may be good for shareholders, but not for the families of more than 160,000 Australian’s who die each year.
eziFunerals shifts the power back to consumers
eziFunerals Founder, Peter Erceg said it was time to shift the power back to consumers. ‘Our mission is to provide consumers with greater control to manage the financial and emotional stress of funerals, from Cradle2grave®‘.
‘This is a disruptive innovation. This is going to touch a cultural chord. It aggregates the decision making and it gives people a sense of empowerment. We want to be recognised as the ‘trusted funeral go to brand’ for consumers in Australia’, he said.
eziFunerals simplifies the funeral process
eziFunerals core solution lies in its ability to simplify and streamline the funeral planning process for consumers, without funeral director involvement. The consumer is in total control. Clients are asked a number of questions and are able to organise and document their funeral needs in an easy to read, downloadable PDF format, before selecting a Funeral Director.
Your PDF funeral plan can be used to share with your family (pre-need) or get itemised quotes from multiple funeral directors (at-need).
Instead of picking a funeral company by guesswork, families will be able to shop around for funeral directors, and get the right funeral at the right price before proceeding to contract’, said Erceg.
eziFunerals makes funerals more affordable
Since its founding, eziFunerals has transformed the funeral planning industry in many ways and has seen considerable growth in traffic and interest by individuals, consumer groups, funeral homes, aged care and funeral finance providers. ‘Unlike other funeral planning sites, we do not get involved with the consumers final selection of funeral director. We DO NOT receive commissions from funeral directors’, he says.
Learn more about eziFunerals
eziFunerals supports individuals and families cope with end of life decisions, death and funerals. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company, and are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We do not conduct funerals and we are not part of any other funeral company.