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Learn how to shop around for funerals and save money.


The decision about which funeral director to contact is, in many cases, not thought about until a death has occurred (or is expected imminently).

However, you may not know that different Funeral Directors in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart can charge different amounts for the same funeral?

That’s where eziFunerals can help. In this guide, we provide information on:

  • some of the most common reasons why consumers pay too much for funerals
  • how to avoid a funeral R.I.P off
  • key questions to consider, before selecting a funeral director.





You Don’t Know, What You Don’t Know

For most consumers, purchasing a funeral in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart is often done for the first time. We don’t know what to expect, spend little time searching for a funeral director and feel under pressure to sort things quickly.

As well as being inexperienced purchasers, consumers are very often poorly prepared and uncomfortable about making the funeral arrangements.

As a consequence, we make poor decisions and pay for funeral items we don’t want or need. eziFunerals provides a list of resources to help you understand your funeral rights.  





You’re first call, was the wrong call

Consumers in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart are generally unaware that the majority of well known funeral directors in your area are owned by big funeral chains listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.

They work for shareholder profits, not for grieving families. Often, the big funeral chains will use family brand names on their signs, because they know customers will be more inclined to trust them, and they often use the reputation of the family name.

It is quite common for these publicly listed companies to operate under old family names and not change the look of the premises after the funeral home changes hands.

That’s why it’s important to do your homework and not call the first funeral director you find based on expensive sales and marketing campaigns by the big corporate funeral companies. eziFunerals connects you with independent and fair funeral directors that’s right for you.  





You didn’t shop around for funeral prices

Many assume a funeral in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart will cost just about the same anywhere. Or perhaps there’s only one funeral home nearby, so why bother.

Unfortunately, consumers don’t exercise some of the most basic commercial judgements for funerals, that customers typically display in more normal circumstances.

Surprisingly, you can save thousands of dollars-if you take the time to plan your funeral and get quotes through eziFunerals, before the moment of need. eziFunerals helps you shop around so you get the best funeral at the best price.  





You didn’t do your homework

Most people know what’s involved in buying general goods and services and if they thought they were an outrageous price; they probably would stop buying them.

You wouldn’t walk into the nearest car yard in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart and buy the first car and added extras the salesperson recommended, but that’s how most people buy funeral goods and services from a funeral director.

Although a funeral is one of the biggest purchases we will ever make, most of us don’t do our research – we pick the funeral director closest to us, or the one our family has always used. Neither of these options provide value for money. eziFunerals helps you navigate the funeral industry so you get peace of mind.  





In Summary: Shop around and do your  homework!

eziFunerals recommend that you ask yourself the following key questions before hiring a funeral director in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart :

  • If local ownership and community involvement are important to you, you should ask who owns and operates the funeral home you are considering.
  • Are they family owned and independent OR are they owned by the big funeral chains?
  • Does the funeral director work for you and your family or shareholders of publicly listed companies?
  • Have you met or heard about the funeral director in your community?
  • Do you know their personal and professional reputation?
  • How long have they been serving their community?
  • What has been the experience of relatives, friends and neighbours?
  • Does the funeral director provide a full service facility and are they able to handle all of your needs (chapel, viewing room, reception and catering facilities, parking, etc.)?
  • Is the funeral home a trusted and approved member of eziFunerals?

If you need a Quick Quote, you can connect with Independent Funeral Directors by filling in our simple and easy funeral price request form.  

Remember: Funeral directors are business people who deserve to be paid for what they do. However, it is your job, as a funeral consumer, to be well educated about your funeral choices, to determine the kind of funeral or memorial service that meets the needs of your family, and to locate an ethically-priced facility that will honour your choices with caring and dignity.


About eziFunerals

eziFunerals is a FREE consumer advocacy and funeral planning platform. We are an independent, Australian-owned and operated company. We are not a subsidiary of any other corporation. We are not part of any other funeral company.