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Let us help you find the cheapest funeral.

Cheapest Funeral in Australia

A common question we are often asked is “what is the cheapest funeral in Australia?

A so called ‘cheap funeral’ will depend many variables, including personal choices, financial budget and the type of funeral options you select and the funeral director you choose.

Contact one of our premium funeral directors who are more than happy to discuss your options and make sure you get a fair and cheap funeral so you stay within your budget. Here are some ways to get a cheap funeral.

1. Don’t have a funeral service at all?

If you don’t want a fuss you don’t need to have a funeral service. A ‘no fuss’ or what is commonly referred to as ‘direct cremation’ is the cheapest and simplest type of funeral. It involves collection of the body, and carrying out the cremation, (usually with no one present), and return the ashes afterwards.

2. DIY the funeral yourself

It is possible to organise a funeral yourself without using a funeral director providing you obtain a Single Funeral Permit and comply with the relevant State requirements. By obtaining a Single Funeral Permit you become the ‘Funeral Director’ and it is your responsibility to arrange all permits and applications as well as all other matters associated with the funeral.

3. Purchase Your Own Coffin or ‘Rent It’

Purchasing a coffin is one of the most expensive items for any funeral, and many people either don’t have the means to pay for a coffin or would prefer not to spend such a large sum of money.

Did you know you can purchase your own coffin. There is no regulation for a Funeral Director to deny you your right to source a coffin that is not of their own. Alternatively, a rental coffin is a good cost-saving option if you want to have a traditional coffin at a viewing or funeral, but don’t want to purchase an expensive coffin.

4. Choose an independent funeral director

eziFunerals has partnered with some of the best family owned and independent funeral directors who are here to help you and your family before, during and after their time of need. Our members operate Australia wide including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Darwin and Canberra.

We work together to ensure that you and your family receive transparent information and the best possible standard of service at the most realistic cost.  You’re in total control and will get peace of mind knowing they are supported by Independent funeral homes that are here to help you every step of the way.